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The International Action of Local Authorities and Climate Change : the French Approach, June 2015
June 2015

Cités Unies France, federation of French local and regional authorities involved in international cooperation, wrote this study focusing on climate change and the international action of local authorities with two goals in mind : pleading the role of local and regional authorities and their networks in the climate challenges and sharing remarkable actions undertaken in various partnerships between French and foreign counterparts.

The publication was well received in France. Its enthusiastic style, rather untypical, proves to be contagious.

Through this English version we have the ambition to share this unique document beyond the Francophone world, first of all within the United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) network. Please feel free to contact us, we welcome any feedback or suggestions you may have to help us improve this study.

On behalf of Roland Ries, President of Cités Unies France and Mayor of Strasburg, one of the European capital cities, we invite you to discover how the complex world of French local and regional authorities manages to create wonderful partnerships around the globe. With only a few months to go to COP21, we say “See you soon in Paris !”


The International Action of Local Authorities and Climate Change : the French Approach, June 2015

Prix : 25 €

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Publié le 9 juillet 2015

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